Read Write Educate

Read Write Educate

Educational resources that you can actually use

We’re in the trenches teaching, motivating, and planning day in and day out. We provide resources, guides, and tips on making the most of your classroom, homeschool group, and teaching time without pulling your hair out.


Reading is the foundation of education. It unlocks the key to learning about our world while also opening doors to new worlds. Reading develops the mind in a way that other subjects can not.


Writing is a key building block of a solid education. The good writer can communicate ideas effectively and clearly, in a way unique to them. Writing trains the brain and prepares the soul for a fulfilling future career.


Education begins at home. As a parent, you are your child’s most important teacher. We’re here to provide help and support as your strive to complete your most important task: educating the future generation.

How I Discovered the Charlotte Mason Philosophy and Why I Use It

My first year of homeschooling my children, I was afraid to commit to anything. We were homeschooling because there was a global pandemic and school schedules were unreliable. Our children needed consistency, and we knew the only way that would happen was if we pulled them from school and created consistency ourselves. Which meant I…

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Presence. Existing. Being aware of another. Proximity to another. I’ve been thinking about this word recently. My children require my presence. My family requires my presence. My dog constantly desires my presence (anyone else?). But why? What exactly does presence bring? Or demand? When I think about presence in education, I immediately think about relationship.…

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Welcome to Read Write Educate

I’m Cindi. I’m an educator, storyteller, and mother of four. I’m a former teacher turned homeschooler, with a goal of providing you with engaging and useful resources to keep your homeschooling journey enjoyable and meaningful.